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Chat Will Not Load


I am logged into Forums, but when I try to enter the live chat, the chat never loads. I have left it to load for several minutes as well as log out and back in. I have also tried refreshing the page. Nothing is working. Not sure what to do.

Thanks in advance.

Hey Steve

Chat has been down for an hour .

12:37 pm
Tuesday, 16 June 2020 (GMT+1)
Time in United Kingdom

Your time

See if you can fix please .

Chat has been down all day. Thanks

dear steve,
chat down since 9 am central usa time ...thanks in advance I know u will fix it

starsadjust xx

Hey another thread here


Hugs Chell

It is August 9th, 2020. Chat has been down for almost 14 hours that I am aware of.

hello. am new here, just joined, and chat won't load for me either. It's 10pm BST.

chat will not load ;(

For over a week now .... somebody should have already fix this issue but its like nobody works on maintenance