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Changes are coming!

I feel some changes coming in my life. Any insight would be appreciated.

I feel the changes will occur in your finances, perhaps through your work such as in promotion or a raise, or even a change of job. I sense you moving up in the world.

Thank you Captain... do you see anything relationship wise or location?

I don't feel a big change of location but possibly a smaller one, like within your own town. Your relationships will improve as you make changes to your self-confidence and increase your self-esteem. But for all this to happen, you have to step outside your comfort zone and start taking some chances. Life is not going to come to you - you must go to it! Same for love.

The Captaien wrote: ↑Sun Jul 16, 2017 6:48 am
I feel the changes will occur in your finances, your work such as in promotion or a raise, or even a change of job. I sense you moving up in the world.

I feel like good changes are coming your way especially with relationships.

Thank you Roderick

Thank you again Captain.

Anyone else pick up anything?

Hi Joannicole. I felt drawn to answer your request by linking in with the tarot today as well as your picture. I hope that's ok. I come forward to help purely with positive intention.

First card for past- IV of wands - shows a doorway of fire-key image- open doorway surrounding with the light just open and the light pouring in through it.

phoenix fire energies surround you today bringing forth changes and personal transformation in your personality revering the old sense of self into your new true sense of self that you've found now in the present, there is a decision that you've been thinking about connecting to your future and it shows that you are healing warmth coming up through you and untapped energy wishing to be used in a creative way- wands shows that this is coming in a matter of a few days up to a few weeks, your heart center of self knows the best way forward for you to step forward into a new path and chapter that is indeed opening as this is typed. i'm also sensing a lot of doubt and confusion about this plus some worries that you have been carrying, you are being asked to give your fears to the angels though as aa raphael is around to help you lift the fearful and anxiety emotion so that you can feel free and happy.

V - Swords - present

you are being encouraged to trust in yourself that you can make ends meet financially, by saving your pennies to count your pounds, and also by cutting any loose ties and cords in connection to your past, you can manage and you are finding the new sense of determination to manage, the relationship that is border lining your horizons now is not too, the fox is a totem that is appearing around you and is very much centered with kin and family, though the fox totem is cunning and talks of deception but you are being asked to trust and work with this totem because the agility and grace will come in handy for when you wish to.

King of Cups

With this card there is a older male around you on a friendly link basis coming forward to help you with changes, want to say the words soul mate (don't quote me as I'm not 100% sure on that, but he is not too far away in the future) though while there may be bit of a delay in him coming into your life, he is aware and would place him in the age group of 30-40 age group around that, he's a libra sign, very much wise in nature and a deep thinker, with a good sense of just of character. I also pick up the word Gemini here as well, but he's a very hard worker and good with what he does, though it may take a while for you to notice him appearing he is definitely present and around you, he comes across as a dad or father figure already though, and someone who likes his solitude. i also sense that he is protective as well and has a hawk totem for an animal guide.

i'm also scenting the smell of tea as well as in you have been working hard and efficiently too managing your time so treat yourself to me time or a break time- the last card for future- is the tree of life which suggests that you will have to look within yourself to find answers as to who you want to be and how to change your situation to the best of your ability, i'm being shown a wash basin also for some reason one of the old fashioned basins meant for cleansing so perhaps a detoxing of old emotional clutter would be wise for you to find your beautiful new sense of self. And trusting in your own instincts as well as to who to trust and who not to trust would be a good thing too. Ask for Spirit & Angels and your inner voice to help you further on that.

Any signs you receive are sent from the universe, so pay attention to them when they appear in your dreams and waking reality too. if you feel sad at all as well over the frustration of this changes in circumstances, let those tears fall, because they are healing and clearing for your soul.