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Hey my name is Glenn Shapley can you tell me what to expect in the coming months with me and Casey Berry my birthday is 04/24/97 hers is 11/22/93 I’ve had dreams and a telepathic connection with her is she my twin flame or soulmate and what did we do in our past life together

Okay, I dont read past lives however I have pulled 2 cards for each person based on the birth year i.e 9th and 7th one for you and 9th and 3rd one for her so here goes:
First card for Glen: Love begins
The cup is about to overfill with possitive feelings, joy and happiness, though the opportunity for love is there this card doesnt always mean physical love for another but can also relate to a passion for a goal or desire. this would be a perfect time to open yourself up to the higher vibrations and living energy of the universe. When you resolve your past issues and forgive yourself and others and when your heart is truely ready to recieve, only then will the path open leading you towards seeing what love will be revealed.

Second card: Emotional loss
This card may come forth when you a grieving a loss of someone close to you or something you were emotionally attached to, honour these feelings. Only by healing and loving yourself by letting go of your past can you move forward and continue your journey.
The suffering that is attached to lose can offer profound wisdom and knowledge for your soul. Your unique gifts and talents as well as your sorrow not only make up who you are but who you will become. The painful experiences of life are equally as valuable as the happy ones. Focus your possitive energy on all the good in your life an everything you are grateful for. use your healing energy and try not to focus on what you have lost, for there and new beginings and happiness to come.

End for Gelns

First card for Casey: Fulfilment of wishes
This card represents emotional satisfaction and contentment and enjoyment. Accomplishment of goals and happiness are in the palm of the hand. this card is a reminder to hold onto the benificial feelings from accepting and receiving what has been strived for. Know these will assist in the future when you may need the possitive energy and inspiration. This would be the right time to heal the past memories that keep you hostage, forgive others and yourself so that your wishes, goas and desires have a clear, unobstructed path the your heart, soul and life.

second card: Emotional withdrawal
Thsi card represents moving away from withdrawing from a current situation in your life, whether it be old love, a relationship or leaving behind what was once farmilliar in the search for new horizons. On a physical level its easy to be caught up on this materialistic world but its just as important to retreat from the outside world to enable you to pause, reflect and heal. Schedual some alone time so you can speak to your souls and give the power of spirit the chance to restore your energy, giving you the vitality to move forward in a possitive direction.
this is your time, give yourself the oppertunity to tap into your heart and soul in order to find the courage and strength to continue your journey into that wonderful, undiscovered territory.

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