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Can someone help me

I just got out of a sticky relationship he hasn’t answered or contacted me and I have been really hurt by this I hope someone can shed some light on my situation because i need to know what to do as everyday nothing gets done it hurts more and more

I'll give you a read, although I have a pretty good idea about your situation. Breakups hurt, especially after a long time together. I know the feeling well. I would like a picture of your face if you don't mind, and maybe a little clarification of your question.

Blessings on your journey.

I was just wondering if we will get back together? Can we move on as more than friends? Should I stay or Move on?

OK well… I see intensity, a face that is too close to my face. I never used to ask for a picture, but now I can see how useful it is to have a picture. What is that reflected in your glasses? An overhead light? It looks like angel wings to me.

Wanting to know… I drew two cards out of my Osho Zen deck. They were quite unexpected, but carried a message all the same, one I think you need to hear. For starters, your relationship is over, done, gone, not coming back. It’s time to grieve over what was lost and then look ahead.

The cards I drew are all about you and your essential being. There is a part of you which cannot be taken way. You can define yourself in many ways, most of them external. These identities come and go. First card is We are the World, 10 of Rainbows. Ten is the number of completion. Yes, one cycle of your life is complete, time for a new one to start. The card shows a circle of people literally dancing on the world.

“The card represents a time of communication, of sharing the riches that each of us brings to the whole. There is no clinging here, no grasping {are you paying attention?} It is a circle without fear of feelings of inferiority and superiority.” It is same image of King Arthur’s famous round table. All were equal. All are equal among us folks in the modern world. We are all one, without distinction, yet we put all these artificial lines in place to separate us into groups. That’s another story. You can dance with the rest of humanity, and share yourself if you want to. I think it’s a good move.

The other card I drew was Slowing Down, Knight of Rainbows. Master Osho takes great liberties with his knights. In the suit of Rainbows, we have a turtle making his way out of the forest toward a rainbow future. It strongly suggests transition, but affirms the individual at the same time. I do love the image of the turtle. The turtle carries his home on his back, utterly self-contained. Once again from the book:

“It is a time when you are ready to let go of any expectations you have about yourself or other people, and to take responsibility for any illusions you may have been carrying. There is no need to do anything right now except rest in the fullness of who you are right now. If desires and hopes and dreams are fading away, so much the better. Their disappearance is making space for a new quality of stillness and acceptance of what is. Savor the quality of slowing down, of coming to rest, and recognizing that you are already at home.”

The cards usually take me to an unexpected place. Your read was no exception. You were looking for a little insight into your situation. I hope these cards and commentary resonate with you.

Blessings on your journey.

Thank u for your insight you are very good thank you now I can move on I appreciate it