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Can a person be human and a demon at the same time?

I need answers. Is it possible? If so, what do I do about the feelings I have for this man and about the fact that he has attached himself to me? Am I in danger?

You mean can a possessed person seem not to be possessed? Yes, unless you know them well or, have abilities like being an empath, medium, psychic, etc... that allow you to sense the demon. there are a few individuals who, due to past experiences, have a darkness around them, like something always watching, that's different and nothing to worry about, those people know and do not hide it when you ask them. it feels almost like an attachment or possession to other sensitives but, it isn't.

not in blood there are half breeds and they don't have to be possessed but ur not one of them and u will prob never meet one. and no they don't look weird either.

if ur suspicious its not one of them lol

at least look at it like this at first ur giving this person to much power or whatever it is lol

Yes. It's a person. But when you go through dimensions to attach yourself to other people, you call yourself a demon.

It's not safe. Tell it off.

I married one! LoL.

Well not quite LOL. She is however still possessed.

From a event a long time ago involving a ouija board, she was possessed and although soul rescue was performed sh ended up being mostly in control, with this other entity hanging around the edges. When she gets weak this other entity steps in and takes a ride for a bit. When she returns she says she can see it happening but is like being in a cage with no voice.
Not a good situation but it is what it is, and I have learned to recognise IT.

Weird - just tried to post this and I lost all internet.....and so did all the other 8 users around here that I can usually see listed. Timing....or something else.

Attachment can occur, usually a spirit that feels the need to for different reasons. There are the shadow self that emerges where the person feels they are losing their abilities to keep their own identity. They might feel that the shadow self is taking over and that they do things they wouldn't say or do. There persona gets altered, all depends what a person allows and doesn't allow in their life.
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Knowledge is powerful!

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