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Birds(sparrow or humming), Transformation, Death. Help?!

Recently most of my dreams are very prophetic. If the dream has people who are in my real life, it actually happens. Both bad and good. Mostly bad *sigh.

So i found this dream very interesting and wanted to know something about it.

The dream is
I have 7 to 8 birds in my hand. Not very sure about the number.

Birds seemed to be either sparrow or humming birds. (70% looked like sparrow)

They are kinda dead. No movement at all. But that was not a bad kind of dead.

What i was doing with those birds was i was taking them one by one and changing them into something else like mini creatures who didnt have any legs who were in beautiful bright colours mostly blue, pink. But mostly blue bright blue. (they looked more like tinkerbell types with no legs or wings but bright blue auras)

I was happy seeing them. But couldnt change all of the birds into those colourful creatures/beings.

And i woke up.

Anything you could catch from this dream ?!!! I was surprised or happy to see/feel those bright blue coloured tiny beings.

(Edited: Ok so now i remember that those tiny beings looked very similar to the wisps from Brave movie. Not the same . Similar in colour but more of humanish form)

I would say it's about shifting energies and therefore creating something new.......the color blue is being open, feeling at peace, allowing the creative mind to expand towards new thoughts etc. Pink is about to bring more love towards you, a fresh beginning to explore.
Birds represents travel, letting the mental thoughts to flow (tarot) expressing new ideas, not being boxed into one idea or situation.

Seven wrote: ↑Thu Jan 23, 2020 7:11 pm
I would say it's about shifting energies and therefore creating something new.......the color blue is being open, feeling at peace, allowing the creative mind to expand towards new thoughts etc. Pink is about to bring more love towards you, a fresh beginning to explore.
Birds represents travel, letting the mental thoughts to flow (tarot) expressing new ideas, not being boxed into one idea or situation.

Thank you so much Seven. Very useful in my current life situation