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Alien keys lost in the Sea of Death?

I remember this legend from about 10 years ago, but forgot the exact name of the desert - until tonight, then got close and found it again.

The Taklamakan desert in China is the largest shifting-sand desert covering over 13,000 square miles. - and it holds a secret.
In Uigur language, Takla Makan means ‘you can get into it but can never get out’ and that is why the desert is also called ‘the Sea of Death’.

There is a legend that a long time ago, a powerful Supernatural Being who saw the hardship being faced by the people in this area, thought that he could help them by using the two magic objects in his possession namely a glowing axe and a golden key.

He split the mountain Altai with his glowing Axe, and diverted water from the mountains to the fields.

The Being planned to give the golden key to the Uigur so that they could open the door of the treasure-house of the Tarim Basin, but unfortunately his youngest daughter lost the key in the sand! This angered him so much that he held her a captive in the Tarim Basin and thus the Taklamakan Desert was formed.

In more recent times there have been discoveries there thought not possible. Historians have long thought the place has never been inhabited, but they have found houses and temples under the sand. They have also found mummified bodies - of white males with long red hair !
- This does not fit into the origin of Chinese populations as these mummies look European - so what are they doing living in this desert in China 3,500 years ago?

Also- the sounds of Aliens or higher-intelligence splitting mountains with glowing axes sounds awfully like using a laser or similar energy weapon, and the handing over of a key - the key to what?

....- What else is buried in this desert in China ?