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A Reading For Me

Run wild, be honest, long-winded, unfiltered...always write what first comes to your heart and mind. Thank you.

Peace and Love.

Hi Lia,

I sense you are at heavy conflict with someone close to you. It is almost superficial and nothing serious but very hurtful words are said and lots of bad energy or anger is placed into this relationship. The sooner you let go of this person, 'mentally' the better off you will be. You seem to have the proper tools however this person has a way of bringing out the worst in you - and that is their fault because they understand far less than you.

Personal Experience

Somebody, I too am very close with is similar to the figure in your life. For me it is a challenge at times, because we want that person to "just get it" , or , "be happy" , or "be at peace" but they are not and will more than likely never be. The challenge is to let go and trust yourself not to engage in the conflict and the disputes. But I understand that to be quite the challenge myself, yet I see it achievable for you.

Please ask any questions and give me your insights.

Thank you,
He Who Is

I know exactly who you're talking about...I actually had this person in mind when making this post.

It's a man that I was starting to care for very much...God, there's so much I could and want to tell you about it and I could go on for days...

He claims to be an empath. But he is the least empathetic being I've ever met. At least, when we're not dealing with each other face to face. In person I can feel and see his care for me so blatantly even though he shows it differently than most people. But, otherwise, he's very...negative. He excuses his actions by saying he's been walked over so much in his past empathy and he's tired of it. Which could very much be true. But he has no reason to take that out on me. Or he'll deny/forget saying such mean things. And you're right, it's almost never been over a serious issue.

Though he is very "tough" I see so clealry through him. He is extremely sensitive...extremely.

I was writing in my diary one day and it actually ended up being a reading on him. My diary entries are in a sketchbook and they're composed of a combination of words and pictures placed simulatenously. It felt good to express my Love for him in that entry. But upon reviewing it when I finished, I saw such a strong undertone of darkness...It was so strong I felt that it was subtly radiating off of the page.

I know he has his problems. I know that he will never allow himself to believe that I'm special or different and that I am worthy of his Love. I have let him go.

Please tell me, what do you mean when you say "they understand far less than you"?

Peace and Love. Lia.
hewhois wrote: ↑Sun Aug 20, 2017 2:19 am
Hi Lia,

I sense you are at heavy conflict with someone close to you. It is almost superficial and nothing serious but very hurtful words are said and lots of bad energy or anger is placed into this relationship. The sooner you let go of this person, 'mentally' the better off you will be. You seem to have the proper tools however this person has a way of bringing out the worst in you - and that is their fault because they understand far less than you.

Personal Experience

Somebody, I too am very close with is similar to the figure in your life. For me it is a challenge at times, because we want that person to "just get it" , or , "be happy" , or "be at peace" but they are not and will more than likely never be. The challenge is to let go and trust yourself not to engage in the conflict and the disputes. But I understand that to be quite the challenge myself, yet I see it achievable for you.

Please ask any questions and give me your insights.

Thank you,
He Who Is

lia.toni wrote: ↑Sun Aug 20, 2017 1:16 pm
I know exactly who you're talking about...I actually had this person in mind when making this post.

It's a man that I was starting to care for very much...God, there's so much I could and want to tell you about it and I could go on for days...

He claims to be an empath. But he is the least empathetic being I've ever met. At least, when we're not dealing with each other face to face. In person I can feel and see his care for me so blatantly even though he shows it differently than most people. But, otherwise, he's very...negative. He excuses his actions by saying he's been walked over so much in his past empathy and he's tired of it. Which could very much be true. But he has no reason to take that out on me. Or he'll deny/forget saying such mean things. And you're right, it's almost never been over a serious issue.

Though he is very "tough" I see so clealry through him. He is extremely sensitive...extremely.

I was writing in my diary one day and it actually ended up being a reading on him. My diary entries are in a sketchbook and they're composed of a combination of words and pictures placed simulatenously. It felt good to express my Love for him in that entry. But upon reviewing it when I finished, I saw such a strong undertone of darkness...It was so strong I felt that it was subtly radiating off of the page.

I know he has his problems. I know that he will never allow himself to believe that I'm special or different and that I am worthy of his Love. I have let him go.

Please tell me, what do you mean when you say "they understand far less than you"?

Peace and Love. Lia.
hewhois wrote: ↑Sun Aug 20, 2017 2:19 am
Hi Lia,

I sense you are at heavy conflict with someone close to you. It is almost superficial and nothing serious but very hurtful words are said and lots of bad energy or anger is placed into this relationship. The sooner you let go of this person, 'mentally' the better off you will be. You seem to have the proper tools however this person has a way of bringing out the worst in you - and that is their fault because they understand far less than you.

Personal Experience

Somebody, I too am very close with is similar to the figure in your life. For me it is a challenge at times, because we want that person to "just get it" , or , "be happy" , or "be at peace" but they are not and will more than likely never be. The challenge is to let go and trust yourself not to engage in the conflict and the disputes. But I understand that to be quite the challenge myself, yet I see it achievable for you.

Please ask any questions and give me your insights.

Thank you,
He Who Is

I am very pleased that my reading was accurate. Remember what you said. "I have to let him go". Those words are completely true - and you know it, you feel it, and you understand it. Now, what I mean when I say you understand far more than them or they understand far less than you, simply means you you more intuitive and can feel what is right and what is wrong on a deeper level you have glimpses of high intuition but your strong emotional feelings block them. I can recognize people like myself and you are one of them , however you are selling yourself extremely short in attempt to be a personality to his liking for you and his convenience. Lessening yourself for the attempt to appease another is doing no one any good. Which takes us back to the beginning, remove that figure mentally, create a disconnect and once you do that you will empty the toxins and I see someone very loving strong and powerful coming into your life that will seldom let you down and have a true appreciate for the 'true/intuitive' you.

Please feel free to respond. I am glad to have helped by sharing my insights.

Your friend,
He Who Is

Hi Lia

Looking at your photo I'm picking up the word of Regret.... so with this there has been an opportunity in your recent past bordering along the line up of 3 months gone by that you have regretted your actions on completing a decision that didn't go exactly as to how you might have mapped it out in your mind as to what it should go as, i do feel that this decision is linked directly to love and that there has been some conflicting times around you with your emotions too about this like you are in two minds and the upper mind is saying YES YES Go for it but the other mind is saying wait, is this really for me? It does seem a bit too good to be true..... i'm also sensing the feeling of indecision on your part, not so much on the male energy that's connected to this situation, its almost like there has been an old friendship arisen around you and the distance between you is imminent, in the sense that there's been a wedge that's drifting you further and further away, it feels like you and he weren't comptible on a connection level and this emotional distress is also the battle in your heart today. As the above poster has also mentioned, letting him go is key as he was not worth the extra agro of worry or stress and anxiety in your regular life.

There is also changes that are happening for the best in the works as well and will pave the way forward for you in love, i sense changes will occur after you've shifted your perception and are working to find the true you and your true self-esteem and self-worth; focus on loving you first to accept your beauty for you are, internal and externally, for only then after you have done this will you be able to love others.

The other message for you here is to find your light..... find your own joy, dreams, and desires as to what makes you want to find the get up and go to actually go and do something to drive yourself to create that positive change within you, i also get the sense that you are seated on the precipice of a crossroads too in your journey but that a new path is also opening up around you direction-wise, once you have found your footing and momentum, balance is definitely key to your progress, development and own awakening.

Hope that helps further
Peace & Blessings


Hope you find comfort in the above messages Lia - it just maybe further confirmation for you on that. Peace & Blessings, CR.